If you fly a piston, turboprop, jet, or rotorcraft, find out why pilots, military personnel, law enforcement, flight schools, and airlines all over the US and internationally use Gary "GPS" (Guy in the Pink Shirt) Reeves.
Upon completion you will receive:
-IPC & Flight Review
-FAA Wings Credit
-Avemco & many other insurance provider discounts
This program is customized for YOUR avionics in YOUR aircraft. You are already a good pilot, but you want to be better when things go wrong.
Gary is the only provider that can customize a program for your needs with your unique avionics, autopilot, and airplane combo!
Want more information fill out this form and get schedule a call with Gary "GPS" (Guy in the Pink Shirt) Reeves
Gary "GPS"(Guy in the Pink Shirt) Reeves is the most experienced TAA(Technically advanced Aircraft) instructor in the world. He is the 2019 FAA National CFI of the Year and lead rep for the FAASafety Team. He has more real-world IFR GPS teaching experience across various aircraft types, from light sport to business jets, than any other instructor. With over 20 years and 8,500 hours of teaching Garmin, Avidyne, Dynon, Stec, BK, Collins, and other avionics, he has been chosen to train the US Coast Guard, Houston PD, large rotorcraft, and twin turbine fleets, and over 100 private aircraft owners, in every US state, Bravo Airspace and even Australia!r
To learn more about Gary "GPS," click here.
A “good” pilot learns the basics of how to use their GPS by watching free videos provided by Garmin playing with an iPad simulator and practicing safely in VMC with a safely pilot or local flight instructor. But “good” only works if every flight is routine. It only takes a few things to go wrong or a sudden serious problem, like an inflight failure, to cause “good” pilots to panic. Every pilot killed in IFR emergencies was good. Mastery is a comprehensive, deep-level understanding of the system limitations, standard errors, shortcuts, and a rapid/response to problems that prevent panic and emergencies. Mastery, Not MinimumsTM is only possible with advanced training based on real-world IFR and emergency experience
Every pilot who trains with Gary wants to know, no matter what happens, that their friends and families will be safe when flying with them. They also know that being good is not enough when things go wrong. Only a Mastery level of training gives you genuine confidence in single-pilot IFR during workload spikes and "emergencies." We train low-time private pilots who start their instrument training to 40,000+hr airline captains and professional flight instructors. Back-to-back complete route changes in busy bravo airspace, WAAS outage, total GPS, or even a total panel fail; ourour program is designed to give you the skills and in-depth mastery level of training to know you can get the airplane down safely every single time.
The definition of an emergency is a sudden event that produces a startle effect, where because the pilot is not trained on what to do, it quickly snowballs into an accident, unfortunately, especially in single-pilot IFR with fatal results. That is the most significant benefit of investing your time and effort into this program! If you understand and are trained, then any of these events can't become an emergency:
-WAAS outage
-GPS unit failure or total system outage
-3 back-to-back sudden complete route clearances
-Expedite Climb/Direct to an unpublished DME fix for an unpublished hold
-Unforecast severe weather, icing, or wind shear
-Electrical fire in the cockpit
***(Gary's favorite, which every student will do) Hand flying the airplane down to 100' or even landing the aircraft with a dead panel using nothing but ForeFlight or Garmin Pilot on an iPad!