We've got your submission. Credit will be posted by Thurs Feb 27th to the email address you submitted.
As a special thank you for caring about general aviation safety I have several things for you.
You can also submit another form for more credit after taking other classes and contact me if you need help.
Thanks for being my partner in GA Safety,
Gary "GPS" (Guy in the Pink Shirt) Reeves.
2019 FAA National CFI of the Year
Get your free FAA Wings Credit for Seminars you attend at the Show.
You can come back and add more classes later.
Click on the Day you want credit for:
Airplane & Helicopter: Adding 3 alternates and the best way to pick them
Learn why the outdated 1-2-3 rule for alternates isn’t enough and how to choose Takeoff, WDP, and Destination Alternates to enhance safety and decision-making on every flight. With real-world examples and in-flight footage, this class is a must for IFR students, pilots, and instructors. Taught by Gary “GPS” Reeves, the most experienced GPS / Avionics IFR instructor in the world.
“I’ve got them on the fish finder…” is the scariest thing I hear good pilots say when Air Traffic Control warns them about possible conflicting traffic.
New upgraded technology like GPS, Autopilots, tablets, and installed/portable traffic displays are designed to make pilots safer. Unfortunately...
Read the rest new chapter about the dangers of traffic displays for FREE.
It's from our new updated 2nd Edition of the best selling IFR Real-World Pro tips. UPDATED PLUS ALL NEW CONTENT NOW AVAILABLE AS AN E-BOOK!